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It’s easy to forget that we are sentient beings. We sense the world through our senses and have feelings. It’s quite easy to disappear into the mind and get caught up in the chaos of life, in the busyness of our lives and forget that we are human beings. We are animals in the end, with needs such as hunger, thirst, rest, movement - all the basics.
We can get quite disconnected from ourselves by moving into our heads and feeling that we are our minds, how we have these to do lists, this busyness that we can get caught up in, and we can easily forget that we have a body - that actually our entire universe occurs within our bodies and that therein lies our truth.
So my invitation with somatic massage and somatic coaching is to support clients to come back into their bodies, to find their sense of true selves, their true natures.
The mind is greedy and yearns for information, for sensory overload in a way, for stimulation, for interesting things; it can get caught up in the flurry of life and love it and enjoy it and yet in that process of getting caught up in the busyness of life, we can forget our needs, our basic fundamental human needs, one of which is to connect with ourselves.
And often it’s through this disconnection that we lose our sense of self and then we’re searching for a sense of some sort of connection. And it’s the very things that we get caught up in - the flurry of life, the speed of life, the discombobulation that occurs when we’re online a lot, when we’re browsing, scrolling as to how we become disconnected, first and foremost from ourselves. Then when we spend a lot of time in a virtual world, we’re disconnected from others and often that’s another thing that we’re seeking - connection with others equally, as we are human beings, we’re here to connect with others and feel part of a tribe.
So with somatic massage and with somatic coaching, this affords clients the opportunity to return to their magnificent selves, to come back into a sense of self and find that anchor that we might all need in this day and age.
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I am based in Standish near Wigan, WN6