It can be easy to get stuck on the hamster wheel of life/healing.
To get caught in the place between surviving and thriving – the rarely mentioned place I call striving.
In this place, we can be working in overdrive, to heal, to recover, to tick all the boxes of self care.
And inadvertently end up exhausted, stressed and disillusioned.
That place of healing/peace/contentment/satisfaction, whatever it is, can feel illusory and painfully out of reach, in spite of our best efforts.
Sometimes not only all the efforting can create more stress for us to contend with, but focussing on all that we might not manage to achieve can generate even more stress.
Sometimes we might forget the point – to celebrate our wins, no matter how small.
In all the efforting and sometimes never ‘arriving’, we can bypass the main event – the feeling different/well/better.
The key missing link is to really drop into the embodiment of these celebratory feelings in order to entrench and anchor in the desired outcome.
Perhaps the aim is less about the tickbox list and focusing on all we have to do (and there is always more to do!) and more about how good it feels to reach each milestone mindfully and in an embodied way.
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I am based in Standish near Wigan, WN6