Practise the pause. Reverse the trend of being non committal in life and failing to back yourself up. Commit to get to know yourself deeply and learn to live on purpose
Rather than being selfish, can we reframe self love as the ultimate in selflessness – the art of cultivating such inner wisdom and awareness, that we take full ownership of ourselves so others don’t have to
Who is driving the bus of your life - your inner parent or your inner critic? If you tick all the boxes of self care and yet still feel off, check out your inner critic who may be driving your bus
Trauma can beget trauma and traumatised people can go on to traumatise – learn more about how as it may not be what you think and know it is possible to recover from trauma and lead a beautiful life
Are you the source of your own stress?! Not to name or shame or blame. Regardless of whether your stress is from outside or from within, the physiology is the same and can affect us adversely in so many ways.