Living on the outside of ourselves means essentially we might be abandoning ourselves, our true selves.
So the invitation is to start dropping into that body and noticing first of all what’s going on within, how well do we feel on the inside?
Or, do we have aches and pains that make no sense, do we feel overwhelmed a lot of the time, get upset easily, distracted easily?
Are we looking to be distracted all the time, do we feel we can’t cope with the day-to-day life, never mind other stuff.
Do we feel disconnected from ourselves and from others?
Do we struggle to cope with all the demands on our lives and have a sense that something is not quite right and that we don’t feel that great on the inside.
These are some indications that we might be missing out on living our best lives, full of resilience and enjoying all that life has to offer, through inadvertently avoiding our true selves.
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I am based in Standish near Wigan, WN6