So the invitation is to start dropping into that body and noticing first of all what’s going on within, how well do we feel on the inside?
Do we feel aligned within, do we feel mind, body, spirit is all connected, that we are in our flow?
Do we get on with the day-to-day demands of life quite easily and show up in life as the best version of ourselves that we wish to be and want to be for ourselves and for others?
Do we feel love? Do we feel love for ourselves first and foremost, love for others and feel connected to ourselves and to life and have a sense of purpose for ourselves here on this planet Earth for the time that we get here?
These are just some of the considerations proposed when we start to practice interoception – noticing what’s going on within, and whether that inner experience is a good or challenging one.
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I am based in Standish near Wigan, WN6