Take a moment to watch this most brief video. Really feel into it, how it might be for you to be receiving such a treatment. Really allow yourself to drop in and imagine. Notice what happens in your body – a slower breath, drop of the shoulders, a stillness within that lands as you might start to feel ease.
Some of my clients receive a full hour and more of this and feel incredible. As they land in their body, give over to the embodied experience, let their mind’s incessant chatter melt away, give themselves permission to be fully present and to receive nurturing and nourishing touch therapy.
This is a truly healing experience that benefits our mind, body, spirit in so many ways.
Of note is that in these times of overwhelm, taking such time out to immerse ourselves in presence, with nowhere to go, nothing to do, no one to be but be fully in the moment, can support us to build our resilience – the cornerstone of good health.
As our stress levels rise and become persistent, we might learn to live with chronic stress at our peril, as this is at the cost of lowering levels of resilience which in turn plays havoc with our health and wellbeing in the short and longer term.
In order to thrive, let alone strive or even survive in our fast paced, overscheduled lives, we owe it to ourselves to recognise the cost of stress. Whilst we can’t avoid it, and stress to a degree is a positive motivator and stimulant in our lives, we can learn to manage the ill effects of chronic stress on our body, mind and spirit in a healthy and holistic way with care of self practices such as regular bodywork.
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I am based in Standish near Wigan, WN6