Living this way creates fear and stress in the body. Fear of not having enough (time). This is scarcity mentality that leaves us in lack over and over.
If we feel we don’t have enough time now, we will never have enough time. It is a mental perception that might benefit from a reframe.
When we scatter our energy trying to achieve everything at once including attempting to multitask, we exhaust ourselves in the process. The stress created is exhausting in and of itself, never mind trying to spin many plates at once.
I attended a speed awareness course recently (yes the irony doesn’t escape me!), and discovered how driving over the speed limit gains us mere moments and yet the price to pay in terms of stress and exhaustion is monumental and really not worth the limited gain of a few minutes.
Peace of mind is everything. We are surrounded by stress and cannot avoid it. We can however choose how we respond to stress, including reviewing our ‘relationship’ with time. The ‘to do’ list will always be there. Sure we have deadlines and most probably always meet them.
How about coming fully into the present tense by focusing on exactly what we have to do in the here and now and just that. How about we choose to decide that we do in fact have enough time. The more present we can be, the less stressed we can be and therefore the more ease we have in our body.
As we breathe deeply and settle into the present moment and expand both our awareness of the here and now as well as the space within our body, we can literally expand the moment.
We can get to enjoy the moment too – I hope you can find the time to enjoy this little video!
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I am based in Standish near Wigan, WN6