A significant form of self abandonment is how we relate to others. We may operate in a hyper independent mode where we feel quite self sufficient, where we feel shut off from others, where we close down purposely from others and choose to go about our business quite independently, as if we don’t need anybody else.
We are relational beings however and this may be a form of trauma response where perhaps in our childhood, the message was from our primary caregivers that we had to be independent, that we had to look after ourselves, otherwise we wouldn’t have survived (in that child mode of thinking).
The opposite to that may be overgiving, overrelating to others and this again is a form of trauma response whereby we may fawn or people please. Fawning is type of trauma response, a lesser known one; there’s the fight, flight, fright, freeze ones and then there’s the fawn, where we overgive, where we overextend ourselves, where we self abandon in order to fit in with the tribe, in order to please others and this is a learned strategy from our childhoods as well.
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