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So one way of relating to our internal environment, our true selves is to treat it like we would a little child.
Are we nourishing and nurturing that little child?
Are we tending to it with the kindness, attention, time, energy, commitment, focus? Or are we abandoning it, avoiding it, ignoring it to our peril?
So, treating our internal environment like the little child that it deserves means nourishing and nurturing it, and I don’t just meet with food, good drinks… I mean any inputs. What are the inputs, the external inputs, external influences that might predicate the state we might land in?
Say for instance listening to bad news all the time, and feeding it bad news, gossip, politics with a big P with a small P. How does that fair? How does that leave your internal little child feeling? Your internal environment? Does that stress it out does, that upset it create worry, misery, anxiety, depression?
How else might we support ourselves in this way, treating our internal environment like the little child that it is? So, nourishing it, nurturing it. Again checking out our internal thoughts. Are they negative, are they worrying, are they an inner critic, a really mean inner critic?
So I’d invite you to think how much you nourish and nurture your internal child, your internal environment and to check and make sure that it’s positive, that it’s helpful.
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I am based in Standish near Wigan, WN6