Gift yourself the act and art of self love, the ultimate resolution no matter what time of year

Jan Normanton • December 30, 2024

A life grounded in self love is surely the ultimate of all resolutions - from this internal intention, focus and commitment, life flows and we get to serve life best

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If you are stressed, consider somatic massage or somatic coaching and know that your body has a whole set of inbuilt ways to help you manage your inner states.

So the only new year resolution I intend to commit to for 2025 is to practise and continue practising something I started this year in 2024 which is self love.

Self love may seem a nebulous, non concept really - what is self love?

However, self love for myself is intentional, is razor sharp focused, is something to commit to every single day, in every single way, in every part of my life. So, physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, spiritually, relationally, behaviourally.

I commit to self love and what that means is to get all the basics right, to start focusing inwards and really concentrate on my needs first and foremost, and my desires, my aims my ideals, and to keep coming back to myself. Commit to myself every single day so that I’m crystal clear in what I need any given time, whether that’s hydration, nutrition, motion, relaxation, restoration, connection.

In every single area of my life I commit to focusing and using the precious resources that we all have, which is our time, our energy, our focus and our commitment and I choose to commit to myself every single day, so that I’m crystal clear on what I need each day and what I commit, what I plan to do and then I tend to my needs so that others don’t have to.

I tend to what I need, I plan out my year, my months, my weeks, my days. And I live with intention. That is self love for me.  Showing up for myself every single day so that I don’t rely on others to get my needs met. And showing up for myself every single day so that I take full ownership of my needs and what I want to do in life, so that I am responsible for myself and I don’t place that onus of responsibility on anybody else.

And in this way as I commit to myself, I start to live with clarity, with expansion, with abundance rather than from a scarcity mentality and a mentality that says others need to be responsible for me or I look externally to get my needs met.

And instead, by committing to myself every day I get my needs met internally, I create internal boundaries that are very clear and so they’re not leaky boundaries.

So I’m absolutely showing up for myself every single day and in this way I can enter into the foray of life and engage with life, with others, with my plans, with my intentions absolutely crystal clearly and with focus and with commitment and so in this way, I look forward to loving myself in this way, nourishing and nurturing myself in every possible way.

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